Hunt, Adrienne Stalek

Hunt is the distillation of the artist’s ethnic background, a combination of mobile Hungarians and early Pennsylvania settlers who have continuously inhabited the same geographic area for over 300 years. Hunt visualizes the hereditary pull of the Hungarian legend of Hunor and Magor who the Gesta Hungarorum purports to be the ancestors of the Huns and the Magyars. In the legend, the brothers follow the magical white stag rather than killing it. Hunt reflects the choices that are made to set down roots or being compelled not to.

Hunt by Adrienne Stalek

Hunt is a box constructed of Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) a tree native to Pennsylvania and commonly used in the construction of early Pennsylvania furniture. The view looks through the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor (Orion’s hunting dogs) at an arrow being toted across the night sky by two Luna moths. The constellation Rangifer (the Reindeer) no longer a recognized constellation fills the scene.

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